Monday 13 June 2016

asus 10.1 32gb transformer pad tablet

thank you for tuning in this wednesday night my name is adam freeman it is a finite set lots of variety and different things. we're celebratingyem can you believe

and we're celebrating with a fantastic launch for hsn right now.we're presenting for the very first time the renew highly regarded, critically acclaimed samsung

galaxy note.+ this year in january i was very to be sent to las vegas to the big consumer electronics show showcases of the new electronics for the coming year.this

had more people crowded around it than anything else there and i am thrilled that tonight we will offer 16 gb 32 gb with flex pay, flex pay, flex pay. we're

talking i 45 flex can we just checked that mr. producer? a k five flex payments it was a last-minute addition we will bump up to five flex payments. if you've

been looking for a tablet may be a 1 pc household in your scrambling to get another computer because you want to surf the net and do some but facebook wear but

your family vacation. only one computer that is not good. this will be your tablets you can use everywhere. you can watch your videos, music, you can do face-to-face

video calling with 3 download all these fabulous applets you can play games like angry birds, it isn't the and give you something more. this

is the s pen it is something that is fantastic and unique to samsung. crated a tablet that allows you to interact in a way that is more natural than ever

before. stylus is loaded with features, first and foremost in highlight and write directly on the tablet. it can watch videos to read articles on one side

of the screen and take notes on the other. read that again and listen to that other.personalize those with handwritten messages and notes. and it

goes with precision and detail, pressure sensitivity to draw fine details the bold lines are free flowing strokes. whs done is they have created a tablet that more than

allow sheet to interact. this for a college student is going to be absolutely invaluable. for a business person you'll just find this more useful

than any tablet on the marketplace because of the way samsung has created it.% someone that less to play games and have fun, with an expandable memory

and with a screen honestly has to be seen to believe, it is truly phenomenal. the bottom line of course with the samsung galaxy note is it is out across the country.

we have managed to secure a limited supply brand new embossed in c13 black or 16 gb or 32 gb. once they are sold there completely gone. the prices only that

for now. c13 at the start of a presentation this was originally going to be $630 on four flex payments.or the chevy to identify hundred $99.85 flex payments

for christmas in the holiday. flex pay isn't everyone with a major credit or debit card which is a sensationally think about it. with that in to get into the

presentation and talk about it and show you how works. but you love new technology, mr. bill duggan this is as new as it gets. >>guest: this is it! this is the one

people are clamoring to have because they have packed in so much this 1.3 count tablets. template 1 in. screen because she can multitask on here. you do not

just charity million can check the mill and watch videos. what to get here in this exclusive bundle at hsn is the beautiful samsung galaxy note is built-in webcam are

right at the top of the turnaround there is a camera on the back as well.5 megapixel camera on the back it takes video quality photos. you'll notice it is

enclosed in a approved case why's that point? you close it down to protect that beautiful screen. it acts as your stand, as an however you desire to use

your tablets. that is just a may use it because she needed for work, travelling were chasing the kids around all the time. someone else in the family may want it

for gps or to be occupied in the back seat to watch a movie or to color. that is the best part of having a tablets in your home via e-mail of hesitated before

because it is a big what hss this make it obtainable. patina this flex damage economic the year hsn. uvc the 7 box starter you cannot get the flex

payment. what is also amazing with the bundle we're including $200 worth of applications. this app pack your getting literally has office of 4, everything for the

family that you could want. stuffer cooking, money- management, dictionary, thesaurus,3 online backup, that in and of is priceless because

tool back all of your information on the device but out in the ether and it is secure you can call back if you need to. there are many games you can get that normally

would charge, these are deluxe versions that is $200 value.d that to the press and that what you're getting, you get the tablets, case and sap pack that is great. but what is

really phenomenal about this doublet in general what many people are excited about it is the s pen stylus. see how discreetly tucked away inside? it is always with you

never lost a machine navigate, drop, cut and paste, it literally help to design and interact and engage with the world wide web. i will show you some of the onthe tablet

every have downloaded. that is what is phenomenal about this because if you also do not know about the samsung galaxy note, it is quad-core processor. quad-e. e

heard of dual-core, but a quad-core? that is like having four engines under the bed. has a real leader that term and we talk about powerful laptops are dustups.

>>guest: this is the only tablets that i know of a market that is quad-core enabled. what is an important? you need to check your e-mail let's not ac13 let us find our e-

mail is scroll through're in our e-mail, we need it for work, but the best part about it is she going to the million man getting pictures all looked are pictures often

is that? pension sumy fell one to get a little closer but i have to do my work so i will scroll through finest work documents? [laughter] open up that

attachment wanted to see how fast and how smooth it opens up the word document. why is that important? laundry with the art class the more time you're not working.

i am and assuming look at clarity of the text you can read that home probably.ook at agree quality of the color but is that is my work document multi

screen up here. i can open up know it's coming to video player, a cabinet the internet and need to take notes on this document because i need to study it, i'm

left-handed that is the wrong side of the screen for me i will switch it. smidge the windows c-cap cookn smidge this is? i need to write notes on the senate had.i pick

my binder paper instead of green paper and the thing is so real to take notes on this. i will pinch and zoom the soap and a bit, thatpersonal handwrg 366. it takes my

notes. i had bad handwriting have to present the second change it and it will actually take my handwriting and converted to text.i will d366, as bad as my handwriting is

look 366. i need to make a graph because i have to present this in graph form, no problem will draw my graf not the straightest of lines but cleaning up

my graf for me. that is the power of the samsung processor which is run on android ice-cream system. android it is the latest and most powerful the best part about

having multi screen technology is literally you have everything right there on6 c13 beautiful 10.1 in. screen a lot to take notes problem of template pictures

it is fast and is responsive. can you normally do this with 1 yet to close an application and open one. you cannot interrupt but here i am at work, looking

at pictures and need to go back to my home screen, one but and i am back there. and shopping, doing what i want to do. speaking shopping on to point out the appsstore. you do

not have the choice of when you have the choice of two. the samsung appsstore as well as google play store was the important? because applications to be on the play

stores to have to be google certified which means they have to live up to the highest of high standards to be featured and to make it onto the system. i am sorry i keep

putting my hand in the shop but so excited. i want to search for something a lot check out ious dictation. hsn. it will look for the hsn app lead. i want

to show you if you never installed an application before it is a simple. it is installing a hit open the best part about it is the distance of an application on

tablet and because as the quad-core processor now this application on the little by second shot on the go. can chocolate travel the best of yet i have my e-mail,

camera, i the day and time, my music everything and all right here. >>host: i will say it, i'm going it! at this will replace your laptop. this will

your laptop please understand there are tablets, and there are premium tablets. the big-name brands samsung is one of the leaders in the world today. the grade tablets the

revolutionary and groundbreaking. to bill duggan spray even in the final minutes he has presented this she can see the difference. we know it is your ev reader

and music player and movie player and to st. netflix angry birds, but the google play star, samsung appsstore you can do all of these things, we saw the the samsung

quad-core processor takes it to a level we have not seen before. but what you get is that as stylist than this changes everything -- the s pen it truly is a

natural extension of you. i can write on the screen, i can write in my own handwriting and my will transform it into text3 presentation. the samsung galaxy

becomes everything i needed to be. you are a writer writing a book, nets fore oa college student, it just want to interact with this and we have never done. if your credit

in lit-crit allowance and scrapbooks. and does, crop fetish to do all of that.i want to let you know that your bundle snipe will include an unbelievable

amount, not only do you get your samsung galaxy note the 10.1 in. screen you get the s pen stylus as we mentioned. the power adapter we are including the deluxe custom official case

from samsung which is just fantastic because the way it has been created, honestly is magnificent. it is so sleek and slimline this is the black one right

here. the white one is just creamy as well i have to say.0 as well in applet said that all back she's either black or white in 2 16 gb or 32 gb. for the majority a 16 gb

will be just fine. the flex pay is what is really important. so what we immerse ourselves into this technology here's what i want to say. it is easy to want this, it is easy to

want it $599 even though it is a sensational press if i can break the price down into five interest-free flexible payments it makes it even easier. for anybody

with a credit card any of the major ones mastercard, american express, discover and beyond we will simply take 1 ft. span of $119.99 plus

shipping and handling and tax, we send it immediately. there are a lot radio advertisements for stores that have layaway, this is not a way. in fact i do not know whether

stores do not do flex pay, we do it, if you want this for your son, husband, wife, if you're dreaming of this thinking, but with everyone on the phone line3

many times after this we are incredibly busy. if you love it is your limited supply the samsung galaxy net one they have read about, the one that has been reviewed,

the one of the experts are saying brings together all of the components we're looking for in a tablet and delivers the ultimate performance experience. white oe

black 21, in the white and only 16 gb left, they are flying! folks please do not hold out. what we will do is this in a few minutes' time you'll see o'clock appear

on the screen will count on to the and the presentation. bill duggan show us more about it but if you like to test drive it for yourself there a 30 day money back

guarantee. it applies to all electronics as well if it is not for you you send it back in you get your money back. this is the only presentation and bill duggan i am

so excited that we got this. >>guest: i'm excited because it has so many features you cannot find in every other tablet. this tablets as as not all tablets have

that. if you get 16 gb or 32 gb you can gb of memory store movies, pictures, more of you can take it with you. not only do you have the s pen stylus that is

included it is touchscreen. if you want to use your finger you double again. we're getting on the internet now, look at this that is not a screaming wanted, but we are

goingwe want to use it for gps system. look how amazing it is how fast it pulls up a map right there. i want to go a location, i will pinch and sam and i

want to show you this beautiful location of is invited to go camping at next week and i am not going to get. it is in the middle of! but it is so

beautiful look how fast and responsive i can and soon get to the location see what is going on, see the clarity, see how powerful it is. it looks like a map right? i can go

here and switch to satellite mode and lockout quickly drops in to satellite mode. that is the experience you have because it has a quad-core processor.

>>host: look at this! >>guest: dropping right down in there that is where i will be getting a lot to see the beautiful view it will actually take me

there will have a 3 d rendering of this beautiful spot in the middle of the wilderness some of you may have been there but it is a beautiful overlook of yosemite national

park. that is the best partit you can go there if you wanted on the net that is not a problem. we can get on the internet and literally copper around wherever we

need to go, that is the power of the quad-core processor. what to do graphic art work? you can do that, actually i will share this beautiful picture. a ticket with

tablets. >>host: the ticket with the tablets? >>guest: i took it with the tablet. want to turn it with a beautiful piece of art with all the beautiful south

rehab built-in if you're carrying it in with you. and if an acrylic painting? and literally to the brushstrokes make them bigger if i want to make it look like a painted it

myself. that is not just the best part about it we took a photograph amid a piece of our action printed hire a larger review whenever along with it. one shoe another

picture else did that once i can go back to it as i am so impressed with it, and the picture that it took about an idea the day and you'll see atomism shoulder. the best

thing about this second crop saddam out if i'm not a contingency minutes i want, at a look at your taller than me i never knew? we have all of this right here smart

remote with your template because it is a small and literally you can get very close with it, you can smart remit as your remote control for your television.

>>guest: you can be sitting there and change the channel you can turn off the tv, turn up the volume, nothing worse if you are engaged in your e reader or your e-

mail and suddenly you notice something on the tv like anyone hear what adam has to say it can turn up the volume on your tablets. it is a simple as that, why

have tablets taken off? they engage in our lives that such fees. it can take it where everybody cannot really do that with your laptop, you cannot get in your car and

wait for the kids with your laptops. i went to europe this summer and not bring my laptop it was too cumbersome and annette powercord and find out what was going on vip do

not have to do that with the tablets in your life so easy. >>host: bill duggan our producer said the exact same thing he said that is the difference, this is a laptop replacement

for anyone that wants light weight, ease, convenience of a tablet this is the only tablet we have dumber i have ever said that. other tablets absolutely

could replace let up but there are some features that you will miss out on. performance, capability that stylist, handwriting which saw this does it all. you know 1 there are certain products we see every week or every few weeks to bring back all the time this is not one of those. this is a product that once it is on it will be

gone. this is our holiday quantity, our opportunity to get it. the reason being this is brand new to the marketplace. this is the samsung galaxy note, the demand

factor for this has been through the roof. it just deliversremember tha monthly contract, no fees you're not signing up for anything this will use a wireless

network in your home. or when you're out and about you can use wireless hot spots in the airport, fast food, everywhere seems to have a hot spot now. you'll be

online for free which is awesome. and white are basically head-to- head at this stage.t limited,3 ram 5 flats payments. if you're thinking have a

holiday, or birthdays you know they have been watching a tablet, this is a real you have the google play the android 4.0 operating system,

remember it is b. reeder, music, movies, top difference on facebook whenever you want to tweak as much as you want, to have your own stuff just shoppingnline ,

dating, and digging sites you're doing what everyone is right here. it weighs nothing. 1.3 lbs. you all this and do not even if you're holding it. it is

much lighter weight and other premium tablets that are out there.expandable memory complete/it does all of the things you want to do and there are five minutes left

before we have to move on or sellout.d reserve and secure yours. take it for a test drive. our 30 day money back guarantee. one final thing before i forget you have to

hsn credit card, you can take advantage of vip financing. that is 9 months it is like and i'm on flex pay with no interest of the balance is paid in full. that is for

those of you to hsn credit card if you have your own credit card but the piece, express, into regular flex payments that breaks down to about $66 a and is about hundred

$20. either way it is when most people shop for tablets on hsn we offer pay messrs. del. back to bill duggan. >>guest: the quad- core processor in here is phenomenal

and the internet in the past and responsive it is. full 10.1 in. screen. pynchon soon all wet to get the today's special like a multi

screen right here it gives me a choice of opening e-13 want to semi sister a message about how she needs to get the today's special or the samsung tablets, but i'm left-handed

i do not want to close that one i want to switch it. i literally switched brains lockout customer sponsor that is. i can send an e-mail right here while i am on line.

better yet i6 c13 permit it to myself not a problem i can go into s notes right here and with my pen i camera a beautiful note reminding me to pick up the today's

special. i can be watching an instructional video or cooking and be taking notes on how to cook. i want the green so i will write green right here. the sagging

customize that it friendly, that to myself and do whatever i want. i will go. jet and ebony mail or video c can see how simple it is. >>host: three

minutes please dial now. >>guest: only this one much multi- tasker in this way if we want to watch the video not a problem. we have a that is a video

high-definition video right and the best part is i multitasking.i can write notes or better yet i can get into my office documents so going to my galerie, my e-

mail if we won our picture gallery at totally can i can open these pictures get into these.6 c13 simultaneously watching a and doing work. i am so engaged. i wanted

ohone screen member the map of selling about? here's the map and right there l ticket to the beautiful spot or my friends were going to take me camping i will open the second

ship you a 3 d rendering of the street you look how beautiful and response of this is. look at that wonderful view, i will take my guy down here and that

and to the scene it moves closer. i could of been camping this weekend but i will not get upset because i wanted to show you this tableau with

and the quad-core processor. all of the stuff that you want, best part about expandable memory and the fact of flash on here. you can expand with this there's nothing

worse than when you buy something and technology advances and the need more space and memory, you can do that on here. the other big thing is you can build and it can use

the built-in webcam and skype with friends. to applet stores instead of picking up the phone you can open up your skype application use that camera talk to family and

friends there's nothing better than seeing their faces. like many set will be halloween now want to see her. i do not want to hear about it she did sham-ee costume. so

much power in this u-neck quad-core processing you are getting the case that is from samsung you're getting the tablet from samsung.ou get the latest, the

galaxy note is the latest on the market. then we're adding that. >>host: all of the applets $200 as a bonus to go with you have applet to have productivity

applets we're including an extra charge.3 core changes everything! to have a quad-core tablets is a rarity, the speed is right there is instantaneous.

we're so busy i wanted to live your patience in advance, i thought it would be busy but we are ahead of where we expected. the white to the 16 gb or 32 gb we have

only about 2 left in the 32 gb it may have sold out by now. if you're wanting it we're down to our quantities. one is gonna is gone. the flex payments

hundred $19 we deliver e start using it. your son in college, daughter university, you at the office, at home! just for the fun of it is going to be great. and everyone

can share it if you let them share it. the kids can play games with ofrse ths as well. do we have a we have guessed! wheel rims piping with mr. anthony sullivan.

>>guest: i am still looking for 2 tonight at untrusting you're tired out there from last night say

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