Wednesday 8 June 2016

asus 10 tablets

hi and welcome to the video. you’re lookingat android on a tablet pc. the android operating system is google’s operating system andit’s recently been evolved to work much more smoothly on tablet pcs. now in this videowe’re going to look at the very basics of using android on a tablet first up, this is the lock screen and you’ll see a lock icon here. now if i press on thatand hold down, i’m on the touch screen and i drag it across to this lock, that is unlocked,it will automatically snap to it and when i release and get’s me straight into thetablet pc. you may have noticed that there was a camera icon also there, which we’lllook at in a separate video on how you can access directly to the camera this is the android central home screen.

now i’m just going to quickly show you howyou can change the wallpapers here because then that will make it a bit easier for youto see as i’m navigating android. so i’ve just pressed and held down on themain home screen here and i’ve got an option to choose wallpaper from a gallery, photo,live wallpaper or standard wallpaper. now if i click on standard wallpaper, i can navigateto different kinds of wallpapers and when we’re talking about wallpapers here, we’retalking basically about the background and the colors that you can use. now there’sa few different options here, if i set one as my wallpaper here, this is just a kindof countryside scene. i’m actually going to navigate to the live wallpapers as theseare a bit more interesting for higher-end

pcs. so let’s take one and have a look atit, it’s kind of like a moving spiral-type effect. and that works quite nicely to beable to show you android. now the operating system itself it's alreadymade up to start off with five home screens. so along the top here you can notice fivedots in a row and the middle dot currently has a box around it. so that’s the centralhome screen. now you have five home screens and if i navigate left you can see that thebox moves along one and we get into a different home screen. and here i’m navigating tothe left, i get another box moving across, and i’m actually at the far end here soif i try to navigate further that way, it’s not allowing me to do so. if i navigate backto the central home screen and then go to

the right, now you can see i’m accessingother types of home screens here. and again, the far right, you’ve got the box aroundthat far right dot, and then we’re back, if i go to the central one here—and i’ll just show you around some of the iconsand what’s available on the screen here—so you’ve got a kind of a google logo at thetop here at the top here with a little microphone next to it, and that google there will allowyou to click and immediately navigate to a google search on the web and also some previoussearches. i’m going to jump back to the home screen and i’ll show you how i didthat in just a moment. the little icon here which shows a kind ofmicrophone allows you to actually speak into

the microphone of the tablet pc and navigatein that way, rather than typing something here. on the far right here we have six boxesin two sets of three. so if i click on that, that actually navigates you straight to yourkind of apps screen. it lists all your applications you have available to you. you can also getwidgets from here, which are kind of little small widgets that you can put on those homescreens where you can quickly access information. now i’m going to go back again to that homescreen and there’s a little widget i’ve got set up here that actually shows you locationand weather. over here, we can see the date and also the number of emails that i’vegot outstanding in my inbox. now further down here we’ve got a few otherbuttons so this is something i tapped on slightly

earlier. so we’ve got a back button herewhich allows us to go back to whatever you’ve previously accessed. you’ve also got thehome button, which always brings you back to this main central home screen. so for example,if i’m in the far home screen and i tap that, we go back to the central one. if i’min the applications and the widgets and i want to get back to that home screen, i justpress that. so that’s just a quick and easy way to always find you way back to this centralhome screen. now also here we have a kind of a third iconwhich is kind of like a few boxes on top of each other, which show you the kind of openapps at that stage. if you’ve got a number of apps open, this is a quick and easy wayto navigate to them. so i previously was doing

a search, so that’s available to me. i waslooking at settings and stuff like that, so that’s available to me. similarly if i openedan application, let’s say i went to the android market, let’s go back to the homeand you can see that’s now available within this and these are pretty easy to open andclose and i’ll show you that in a later that’s those kind of software buttons there, but also down at the bottom you’vegot a number of short cuts. now currently here i’ve got a browser and the youtubeapplication, the camera application, gallery application, a note taking application thatcomes with this asus tablet, a music application, the android market and also gmail. and thesekind kinds of things—and you’ll notice

them on other home screens—are just quickways of jumping to applications within your you’ll notice i’ve got a number of widgets already set up, this is a bookmarkswidget, and you can actually configure some of these by holding down on them to be actuallyslightly smaller, slightly bigger, but i’ll go into more detail on that in a separatevideo. and finally down at the bottom here, we havethe kind of notification area and the settings where you can see settings such as if you’redownloading applications, new email, etc. now i won’t go into this in too much detailbut there’s much more information here for a separate one other thing for finding your way around

this tablet is that it reorientates currently i’ve actually been into the settings and i’ve changed the settings sothat the auto-rotate screen is on. and what this allows you to do is to rotate the screenaround and it reorientates itself to the portrait or landscape mode you’re in at that if you don’t like that and you actually want it so you have a bit more consistencyand that it sticks in the orientation that you like, if you jump to the settings—andagain i’ll show you this in a bit more detail separately—you can actually turn off thatauto-rotate screen by going into the display element. you may well come into this on thewi-fi side of things, that’s usually the default thing that happens when you get intosettings. if you click down onto display,

you find auto-rotate screen—there’s alittle tick next to that—let’s untick that so it disappears. now, when we go backto the home screen, if we actually rotate doesn’t reorientitates itself. so let’spop that back again and that will work smoothly. other ways to navigate this tablet—and i’vebeen showing you some of those as i’ve been going along—are a number of different sortof things you can do. now, you’ve got a single tap, which effectively allows you toselect a desired item, such as activating an application. so say, for example, a singletap, tap on the youtube application and it opens. tap on the home button and it navigatesyou straight back to that. so a single tap is just for selecting you can also long press. i showed you

this originally when i was selecting wallpapers.long press basically means tapping on the screen and holding down, and in that case,some wallpaper came out of that—and i’m just tapping to get out of that kind of mini-menuthere – but similarly, a good thing with a long tap, particularly on android you canuse it to configure those home screens and put new short cuts on them. so say, for example,i’ve got an amazon kindle application here. if i long tap and hold on that, and i holdit down i can now drag it to one of the home screens. you’ll notice that as i drag itand push it to a new home screen it drops there. and again, if i wanted to change thekind of configuration of how i’ve set this up, i can literally tap on something, holdit down and drag it here. so it’s a drag-and-drop

type functionality. so that’s long another option you have is pinching. now pinching is using a couple of fingers to zoomin and out of photos or web pages etc. so let’s take a very simple picture i tookof just a plant here. you can zoom in very easily, push two fingers away from each otheror zoom back in again by using that pinch motion. and now i’ll zip back to the homescreen. the finally one is kind of like flipping,where you can just flip between screens with just a single swipe type motion with yourfinger. one other input method is actually using thesoftware keyboard. so say, for example, you can just type something in. now this is thegoogle search that i was showing you earlier

on. say i wanted to jump to the yahoo homepage—let’s do that—that’s yahoo mail, you can just type it in using that keyboardthat comes up, and it’s quite easy to type, just as you’d expect to get with any typeof qwerty keyboard that you’d be used to typing with just like a physical that’s it in terms of getting around the tablet. so those are the kind of basicsand in future videos we’ll have a look at detail and help you find your way around yourandroid tablet pc.

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